So, you have agreed to be a beta reader. What does that mean, exactly?

As a beta reader, you are to provide feedback on a manuscript before it is published.
What kind of feedback?
Feedback includes identifying areas for improvement, assessing the overall strengths and weaknesses of the story, and offering insights to enhance the quality of the book.
Does this sound daunting to you?
It can be if you don’t know these beta reader best practices.
First off, make sure you know the author's goals and the target audience so that you can provide feedback that aligns with the intended message and tone of the book.
Most often authors provide a list a beta reader questions. If not, ask the author what areas he/she would like for you to focus on, for example, plot, characters, pacing, dialogue, consistency in the narrative, etc.
Then, of course, approach the manuscript with an open mind and a willingness to provide honest and constructive feedback.
Be sure to take notes while reading to track your thoughts, reactions, and observations throughout the manuscript. Provide examples or specific references from the text to support your feedback and recommendations.
When offering suggestions for improvement, don’t forget to highlight what aspects of the manuscript are working effectively.
Be respectful and tactful in your feedback, focusing on constructive criticism and avoiding personal opinions.
And, most important: do not rewrite the manuscript.
How to communicate with the author.
Communication is key.
Be respectful and empathetic, considering the author's feelings and efforts in creating the manuscript.

Use language that is encouraging and supportive.
It’s worth repeating: Balance your feedback by offering constructive criticism along with praise for elements that are working well.
Avoid being overly critical or negative. Always focus on constructive ways to help the author enhance his or her work.
Be open to dialogue and discussion about your feedback, allowing for clarification and further exploration.
Express gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to be a beta reader. and contribute to the author's creative process.
Serving as a beta reader is an honor. Be proud. You are an important part of a team. You were chosen to contribute to the author’s creative process. Be respectful.
Have you been a beta reader? How did it work for you? What did you learn? Any tips for us?
Leave comments and questions below.
Thank you for reading!